Parish Council

Pastor;  Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Eusebio

Associate Pastor; Fr. Daniel Malone

Chair; Liam Choo-foo

Vice Chair; Nelson Pompu

Past Chair; Emilo Completo

Adult Faith Formation; Gisele Paulhus

Communications; Laura Cornelson

Deanery Rep; Nelson Pompu

Ecumenism; Val Choo-Foo

Finance Chair; Barry Cuthbert

Liturgy; Nicole Francis

Social Justice; Michelle Vallee

Stewardship; Eileen Hartman 

Vocations; Icasiana de Gala

Youth; Johnrey Barraca

Social Events; Yvonne Laviolette

Recorder; Gloria Stringer

CWL; Rita Banman

K of C; Gord Hagen

Welcoming Committee; Mary Tardif

School Board; Marc Perrault

Principal ASCS; Lenni Zanidean

PPC Responsibilities

Chairperson -

  • Member of the Parish Pastoral Executive Committee with Priest. 

  • Works with Parish Priest to develop an agenda for each meeting.  

  • Chairs meetings so that members are encouraged to participate actively and speak freely. Ex-officio and liaison with all Parish Council members.  

  • Receives items for inclusion on the agenda from all committee members.

Vice Chairperson -

  • Member of the Parish Pastoral Executive Committee with Priest.  

  • Is prepared to take over from the chairperson in his or her absence.  

Deanery -

  • Our parish community belongs to the Swift Current Deanery, which includes the communities of Gull Lake, Maple Creek, Consul, Ponteix, Cadillac, Val Marie, Shaunavon, Admiral, Eastend, Climax, Cabri, Lac Pelletier, Vanguard, and of course Swift Current. 

  • The deanery meets 5 times a year with representatives from these different communities. 

  • Meetings are held every other month and location is on a rotation basis. 

  • This position would involve reporting on some of the highlights from our parish, as well as working on projects going on in the deanery or diocese.  As deanery rep, you would report back to your Parish Council any happenings.

Ecumenism -

  • To stay informed about church teaching on ecumenism and to educate the parish in that regard. 

  • To inform the parish of ecumenical happenings locally, at the Archdiocesan, provincial and national levels. 

  • To invite parish participation at joint worship service events that are sponsored by the Swift Current and area Ministerial Association. 

  • To play an active role in promoting and leading interdenominational services which are initiated by the Ministerial Association, i.e. Joint worship services, Care Home services. 

  • To attend Ministerial meetings at the request of the Pastor.  Plan to host a Ministerial meeting once a year.  

Liturgy  and Sub Committees -

  • Primarily responsible for the worship and prayer life of the parish community. 

  • Set up for weekend Masses and Sacraments. 

  • Prepare and decorate the church for special liturgical times during the year - sub committee. 

  • Prepare and maintain a budget. 

  • Prepare ministries lists - sub committee. 

  • Train greeters, lectors, ushers, communion ministers, altar servers - sub committee.

  • Co-ordinate altar server functions - sub committee

  • Plan liturgical meetings, consulting with Pastor.

Social Committee and Sub Committees -

  • Responsible for the social activities of the Parish community, which may become fundraisers but are intended for fostering of community.

  • Make a schedule fro Sunday coffee Hosts and distribute them - sub committee.  

  • Plan reception for RCIA candidates after the Easter Vigil - sub committee.

  • Head a committee to plan and organize the annual Fall Supper - sub committee.

  • Organize parish picnic and other events such as a Mother's Day Brunch.

  • Co-ordinate any social functions when or if contacted by other parish groups. sub committee

  • Plan All Souls Day reception

Social Justice - 

  • Responsible for the social mission of the parish both within and outside parish boundaries

  • Responsible for the promotion and education of the parish on the church's biblical and social teachings regarding issues of justice and peace. 

  • Attend Diocesan Justice and Peace meetings.

  • Co-ordinate and support various community events relating to Social Justice (ex: Solidarity meal)

  • Work with other parish groups on projects to assist the needy, elderly, sick and handicapped

  • Work with other community organizations that supply food to the needy (Salvation Army and Mental Health)

  • Organize, prepare and assist in distribution of Christmas and Easter food hampers. 

  • Provide education on the church's teachings of Social Justice, using the church bulletin, available handouts and other appropriate means.

  • Co-ordinate Peace and Development activities.

  • Make provisions for disaster relief as required. 

  • Prepare a budget and participate in the budget process. 

Stewardship - 

  • Stewardship is a broad, encompassing teaching, emphasizing that everything we are and everything we have, all of creation, our church, our own vocation, global resources and personal resources, our talents and even our time, comes as gifts freely and lovingly given by God.  Stewardship is an aspect of discipleship, an answer to a person call from Jesus to a collaboration with God.  Stewardship is our duty, but we also express our gratitude, our joy, our hope when we share of our God given gifts.  

  • Plan a Stewardship fair once every two years.

  • Organize a Stewardship Sunday to include recruitment for all parish ministries. 

  • Monitor Archdiocesan Stewardship events and participate when appropriate.

  • Be living examples of a good steward. 

  • Focus on attributes and attitudes of a good steward, not financial concerns.

  • Lead and promote the conversation and formation of good stewards. 

  • Be a support to Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council.

  • Be responsible for stewardship awareness and annual stewardship renewal.

Vocations - 

  • Stimulate and promote a culture of vocations in the parish through: Prayer, education of the committee itself and other parishioners vocations, presentations on discernment skills, promotion of the various vocations; married, single, ordained and consecrated life, provision of resources and contacts for those with questions about their vocation.

  • Become familiar with available resources on vocations.

  • Communicate and collaborate regularly with the parish priest, parish council and with the Diocesan Vocations Office.

  • Network with other Parish community partners such as Deanery Committee representatives, the Ecumenism Chair, and other Christian churches about available resources and events in Swift Current or elsewhere. 

Welcome Committee - 

  • Check with parish secretary once a month for a list of newly registered parishioners. 

  • Work with pastor in organizing teams to go to newly registered parishioners home to welcome them.

  • Organize a kit to give to new parishioners, including such things as parish directory, recent copy of the bulletin, church ministries form, CWL and K of C information, etc. 

  • Prepare a budget.

  • Plan functions for new parishioners. 

Youth - 

  • Work together with youth minister, parent advisory committee, parents and pastor in helping to plan activities for the youth. 

  • Support youth minister in activities and projects

  • To promote youth activities (both locally and diocesan) to young people of our parish community. 

Communications - 

  • Develop and maintain good relationships with internal and external community.

  • Maintain good relations within the parish through various mediums; IE: bulletin, newsletter, pulpit announcements, web site, and various social media, etc. 

  • Support other PPC committees when required to do so.

  • Assist ad-hoc and fundraising committees with communication strategies as approved by PPC.

  • Monitor all communications for the purpose of improving and changing or updating communications plans and strategies. 

Adult Faith Formation - 

The purpose fo Adult Faith Formation is to encourage and facilitate parishioners' spiritual growth and development in the following areas: Knowledge of the Catholic Faith, Liturgical Life, Moral Formation, Prayer Life, Communal Life (including relationships and parish involvement), and Missionary Spirit (including Evangelization).

 This is accomplished by providing the following programs and opportunities. 

  • Coordinate and deliver the RCIA Program for adult candidates; usually offered from September until Baptism and/or Confirmation at Easter Vigil and continuing to Pentecost.  

  • Provide resources to guide parishioners during the Advent and Lent season; and maintain the display table during Advent and Lent. 

  • Manage the Parish library and brochure stands; ensure books and resources are appropriate and current. 

  • Promote AFF resources and programs through the parish bulletin, website and Facebook. 

  • Promote resources such as Formed. org and Lightouse Media, through the parish bulletin, website and display tables.

  • Host monthly First Friday Eucharistic Adoration including resources to support prayer, reflection and reconciliation.

  • Promote devotions or consecrations as declared by the Archdiocese or the Vatican.

  • Coordinate the delivery of parish events such as Advent and Lent retreats. 

For more information or Adult Faith Formation please contact the Parish office at 306-773-9524 or Gisele Paulhus at 306-741-7317 or Laurent Dudragne at 306-741-2248.