Adult Faith Report for February 2024

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Adult Faith Formation - 

The purpose fo Adult Faith Formation is to encourage and facilitate parishioners' spiritual growth and development in the following areas: Knowledge of the Catholic Faith, Liturgical Life, Moral Formation, Prayer Life, Communal Life (including relationships and parish involvement), and Missionary Spirit (including Evangelization).

 This is accomplished by providing the following programs and opportunities. 

Coordinate and deliver the RCIA Program for adult candidates; usually offered from September until Baptism and/or Confirmation at Easter Vigil and continuing to Pentecost.  

Provide resources to guide parishioners during the Advent and Lent season; and maintain the display table during Advent and Lent. 

Manage the Parish library and brochure stands; ensure books and resources are appropriate and current. 

Promote AFF resources and programs through the parish bulletin, website and Facebook. 

Promote resources such as Formed. org and Lightouse Media, through the parish bulletin, website and display tables.

Host monthly First Friday Eucharistic Adoration including resources to support prayer, reflection and reconciliation.

Promote devotions or consecrations as declared by the Archdiocese or the Vatican.

Coordinate the delivery of parish events such as Advent and Lent retreats. 

For more information or Adult Faith Formation please contact the Parish office at 306-773-9524 or Gisele Paulhus at 306-741-7317 or Laurent Dudragne at 306-741-2248.